Dr Daniel Heilmann, LLM
Head of Projects
Project Activities
Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia; and Nicaragua
Other Activities and Research Interests
Public International Law, Legal Reform, Parliamentary Development, Good
Governance, Rule of Law, Human Rights
Since April 2020, Head of Projects, Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law
Previous assignments include, inter alia:
2017–2019 Country Director, Hanns Seidel Foundation (Jakarta, Indonesia)
2014–2016 Senior Legal Advisor, GIZ (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)
2013–2014 Head of MENA Projects, Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law (Heidelberg, Germany)
2008–2012 Head of Projects & Managing Editor, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg, Germany)
Implementation of International Human Rights and International Human Rights Decisions in Cambodia, in Judging International Human Rights. Courts of General Jurisdiction as Human Rights Courts, Springer Verlag (2019), Thilo Rensman/Stefan Kadelbach/Eva Rieter (eds.), pp. 423–437.
Rechtsstaatlichkeit: Grundlage der Korruptionsbekämpfung in Entwicklungsländern, in Scheinwerfer (2019, Issue 83), p. 9, Transparency International Deutschland.
Regulatory Reform in Indonesia – A Legal Perspective, General Editor, Hanns Seidel Stiftung (2019), ISBN 978-602-98099-0-9, 326 pages.
Korruptionsbekämpfung als Kernpunkt der Rechtsstaatsstrategie, Peacelab-Blog (2019), electronic version available here.
Separation of Powers in African Constitutionalism, book note in Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, Vol. 20 (2017), pp 605-609.
Post-conflict Justice in Cambodia: The Legacy of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, in Handbook of Research on Transitional Justice and Peace-building in Turbulent Transitions, Freddy Cante/Hartmut Quehl (eds.), pp 200-216, IGI Global (2016).
Fundamental Rights Protection: A Comparative and International Law Perspective, in Cambodian Constitutional Law, Jörg Menzel/Hor Peng/Kong Phallack (eds.), pp. 341-356, Konrad Adenauer Foundation (2016).
The ASEAN Transboundary Haze Pollution Agreement: An Effective Regional Governance Tool?, in Rule of Law for Good Environmental Governance, University of Cebu Press (2015), Jörg Menzel/Rose-Lisa Eisma-Osorio (eds.), pp 125-140.
Die Arbeit als parlamentarischer Rechtsberater in Kambodscha, in Political Science Applied – Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Politikwissenschaft (2015, Issue 6), Jakob Lempp/Angela Meyer (eds.), pp 31-34, electronic version available here .
After Indonesia’s Ratification: The ASEAN Transboundary Haze Pollution Agreement and its Effectiveness as a Regional Environmental Governance Tool, in Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs (2015, Volume 34, Issue 3), pp 95-121, electronic version available here.
Aerial Incident Cases before International Courts and Tribunals, co-authored with Kay Hailbronner, in Max-Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Vol. I, pp 119-127, OUP (2012).
Galic Case, in Max-Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Vol. IV, pp 284-288, OUP (2012).
Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, in Max-Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Vol. VI, pp 589-594, OUP (2012).
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, in Max-Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Vol. VII, pp 437-482, OUP (2012).
United Nations Headquarters Agreement, Obligation to Arbitrate (Advisory Opinion), in Max-Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Vol X, pp 380-384, OUP (2012).
World Meteorological Organization, in Max-Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, Vol. X, pp 943-948, OUP (2012).
Prozesskostensicherheit und das Diskriminierungsverbot des Art. 4 EWRA, co-authored with Philipp Lennert, in Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht (2012), pp 149-157.
Die Auslegung der aktorischen Kaution im Lichte des allgemeinen europäischen Diskriminierungsverbots in Art. 4 des Abkommens zum Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum, co-authored with Philipp Lennert, in Liechtensteinische Juristenzeitung (2011), pp 25-28.
The International Control of Illegal Drugs and the U.N. Treaty Regime: Preventing or Causing Human Rights Violations?, in Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law (2011, Vol 19, Issue 2), pp 237-286.
The Law of Command Responsibility, book note in European Journal of International Law, Vol 21 (2010), pp 486-490.
Weapons and the Law of Armed Conflict, book note in European Journal of International Law, Vol 21 (2010), pp 483-486.
The Criminal Responsibility of Senior Political and Military Leaders as Principals to International Crimes, book note in Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Vol 70 (2010), pp 619-624.
Comentário Artigo 22, co-authored with Fabiana de Oliveira Godhino, in Comentário à Carta das Nações Unidas, Leonardo NC Brant (ed.) (2008), pp 379-396.
Einschränkungen der Staatenimmunität in Fällen schwerer Menschenrechtsverletzungen, book note in Criminal Law Forum, Vol 19 (2008), pp 607-609.
Die Effektivität des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes: Die Rolle der Vereinten Nationen und des Weltsicherheitsrates, Nomos-Verlag, Baden-Baden (2006), 317 pages.
The German Penitentiary System in a Comparative Perspective, Conference “Necessary Reform of the Criminal Justice System and its Challenges”, Christian University of Indonesia (UKI), Jakarta/Indonesia, March 2019.
Regulatory Reform and Cutting Red Tape, Conference “The Role of Ministries of Justice in Regulatory Reform Processes” at Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia, Bali/Indonesia, August 2018.
Strategy and Impact of Regulatory Reform in Germany, National Conference of Constitutional Law Committees, Center for the Study of Pancasila and the Constitution (PUSKAPSI), Jember/Indonesia, November 2017.
Comparative Analysis of Appointment Mechanisms for Constitutional Court Judges, Conference “Revision of the Indonesian Constitutional Court Law”, Universitas Jember, Jember/Indonesia, May 2017.
International Standards on Women’s and Children’s Rights and the Right to Education, Roundtable Conference “Implementing international Human Rights into the Domestic Legal Framework”, The Senate of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Phnom Penh/Cambodia, December 2016.
The South China Sea Arbitration: Discussion of the PCA Tribunal’s Award on Jurisdiction, Guest Lecture in the LLM Program, Royal University of Law and Economics, Phnom Penh/Cambodia, December 2015.
The ASEAN Transboundary Haze Pollution Agreement as an Environmental Governance Tool, Conference “Environmental Governance in Southeast Asia”, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Siem Reap/Cambodia, June 2015.
Fundamental Rights Protection: International and Comparative Law Perspective, Conference “XIII. Law Talk on Constitutional Law”, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Sihanouk Ville/Cambodia, March 2015.
Parliamentary Reform: The Role of the Floor Leader and Whip, 2nd Consultative Meeting on Internal Regulations of the Senate, Senate of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Phnom Penh/Cambodia, February 2015.
The Status and Role of Human Rights in International Law, Conference “XII. Law Talk on International Criminal Law and Human Rights”, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Sihanouk Ville/Cambodia, August 2014.
Main Legal Aspects of the ECCC Judgment in Case 002/01, Conference “Justice Done? The Legacy of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal after the Judgment”, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Phnom Penh/Cambodia, August 2014.
Post-conflict Justice in Cambodia: The Legacy of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, Conference “Realistic Peace and Turbulent Transition”, Universidad del Rosario, Bogota/Colombia, May 2014.
Constitutional Developments and elections in the Arab Region, Conference “Comparative Constitutional Courts, Precedents and Legal Education”, National University for Management, Phnom Penh/Cambodia, March 2014.
Institutionalization within the state-building process of the new federal Iraq, Conference “Iraq Ten Years on Stocktaking and Perspectives”, Salahaddin University, Arbil/Kurdistan Region of Iraq, December 2013.
Arab Constitutions from a European Perspective, Arab Constitutionalism Conference, German Initiative for the Near East, Berlin/Germany, April 2013.
International Human Rights Law in the Context of National Constitutions, Conference “Challenges of Constitution-building in Libya”, Max Planck Institute, Tripoli/Libya, November 2012.
Transition in Libya: Criminal Justice, Rapporteur of the Working Group, Conference “Criminal Justice in Transitional Situations”, Zentrum für Internationale Friedenseinsätze, Cairo/Egypt, September 2012.
The constitution-making process in Libya – Challenges and the Way Forward, Conference “Constitutional Developments in post-revolutionary Libya”, Libyan Centre for Studies and Research, Doha/Qatar, January 2012.