Dr Kangnikoé Bado, LLM
Senior Research Fellow (Sub-Saharan Africa)
Project Activities
Mali/ Francophone West Africa
Other Activities and Research Interests
Constitutional and International Law, European Law, Regional Integration Law, Private International Law, Procedural Law and Litigation
Since 3/2021 Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law
10/2019 – 9/2020 Holder of the CCDL Certificate for the admission at the Luxembourg Bar
3/2016 – 3/2019 Senior Researcher at Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, Munich (Germany)
3/2013 – 2/2016 Research Assistant at the Franz von Liszt Institute of International and Comparative Law, Chair of Public Law, International and European Law, Giessen (Germany)
Since 2018 Lecturer, Public International Law and Regional Integration Law in UCAO (Université Catholique d´Afrique de l´Ouest) in Conacry (Guinea)
8/2009 – 9/2009 Internship at the United Nations, Regional Office for the Disarmament and Peace
7/2013 – 12/2015 PhD and Research Chair in Public Law, International Law and European Law. Topic: The Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States as a Constitutional Court, at the University of Giessen (Germany)
10/2010 – 3/2012 LLM in International Private Law at the Institute of International Private Law, University of Heidelberg (Germany)
7/2007 – 7/2009 Diplôme d´Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in Human Rights and Democracy – UNESCO Chair, University of Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou (Benin)
10/2006 – 10/2007 Maitrise (Master I) Sciences Juridiques, Option Droits des affaires et Carrières judiciaires, Université d´Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou (Benin)
10/2005 – 6/2006 Licence (Bachelor) en droit, University of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)
- Scholarship Konrad-Adenauer Foundation for Master and PhD Studies
- UNESCO Scholarship for Master Study
- Good governance as a precondition for subsidiarity: human rights litigation in Nigeria and ECOWAS, Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, Volume 57, 2019 – Issue 2: Special Issue: Spaces of Subsidiarity – Diverging Polities and Policies. Available online here.
- Verfassungsgerichtbarkeit und Demokratisierung im frankophonen Westafrika, Länderstudie Benin, Working Paper, Franz von Liszt-Institute for International and Comparative Law. PDF available online here.
- Justice constitutionnelle et processus de démocratisation en Afrique de l’Ouest francophone, Rapport national Togo, Working Paper, Franz von Liszt-Institute for International and Comparative Law. PDF available online here.
- Judicial Review and Democratisation in Francophone West Africa, country Study Benin (VRÜ, 2/2018, pp.216- 239)
- Togo Popular´s Protest and demand for constitutional Reform (International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. Available online here.
- Analyse comparée de la jurisprudence constitutionnelle des Etats d´Afrique de l´Ouest (International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2018, 82 pages)
- Les defis de l´integration régionale en Afrique de l´Ouest, le reseau des Think Tanks francophones ouest africains, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Hotel Onomo, Conacry, March 2019.
- The legal status of crisis migrants within the ECOWAS Countries (African Labour Law Society, Cape Town September 2018)
- Crisis Migrants, regional Agreements, the case for expanding refugee designation under the OAU-Convention, School of Law (UC Davis, USA California, March 2017)
- Legal Framework of Social Protection in ECOWAS-Countries, Gesellschaft für Afrikanisches Recht /BMZ (Berlin, November 2016)
- The German International Humanitarian Law Committee/ The International Humanitarian Fact- Finding Commission, ECOWAS- ICRC IHL Review Seminar (Abuja- Nigeria, June 2015)
- African Concept of conflict Resolution, Gesellschaft für Afrikanisches Recht/ Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg (Halle, November 2013)
- Europa betrachten von außen: Europa als Leitbild für ECOWAS, 11. Jahrestagung des GSP-Netzwerks für Internationale Politik und Zusammenarbeit (Berlin, October 2014)
- Approche comparative des Models de Justice constitutionnelle au Bénin et au Togo, Workshop „Rule of Law“ de la Fondation Hanns Seidel (Saint Louis, Sénégal, November 2014)
African Labour Law Society