Support to Inclusive Constitutional Reform in Sudan

In May 2018, the Foundation started its latest initiative aimed at supporting an inclusive constitutional reform process in the Republic of the Sudan by providing technical assistance in the area of comparative constitutional law to a targeted group of Sudanese stakeholders. The targeted group mainly consists of members of civil society, which will be drawn primarily from the ranks of the Sudanese media field, in particular journalists and editors to increase an educated and informed media coverage regarding the respective constitutional reform. Beyond, the inclusion of additional key political actors from the most representative political parties (including the governmental parties and the major opposition parties) in the Sudan will generate as much inclusivity as possible in the project’s activities and foster discussions among the different actors within the individual training sessions.

Throughout 18 months the target group will therefore receive technical capacity building trainings in the area of comparative constitutional law aimed at strengthening their legal capacities before the adoption of a new permanent Sudanese constitution. The workshops will focus on constitutional and legislative challenges facing the Republic of the Sudan and address these from an academic and a comparative constitutional law approach to enable a greater dissemination of knowledge regarding the constitutional issues under discussion in the country. As the project activities are further intended to be implemented either in Khartoum or in areas outside of the capital such as Darfur, South Kordofan or the Blue Nile this will also allow for a greater outreach to and engagement of groups that are not on a daily basis included in the discussions on the constitutional reform. This will efficiently equip the participants in the trainings as well as beneficiaries beyond to actively engage in the political and legal discussions leading up to constitutional reform.