Legal Capacity Building Seminars for the Legislature (National Legislative Assembly and Council of States)
As a new country, South Sudan is faced with many challenges and is currently also in the process of establishing a permanent Constitution. Through legal capacity building, the Max Planck Foundation continues its support for the bicameral legislature through seminars that are conducted for the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) and the Council of States (CoS). The CoS was established by the Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan (TCSS) and is tasked, amongst other things, with representing the interests of South Sudan’s ten states.
The establishment of the CoS also provides an opportunity for peaceful institutional discourse on the national level with regard to conflicts involving the states. The focus of MPFPR’s legal capacity building seminars is on comparative constitutional law, decentralisation, public international law, international treaties and human rights. The seminars assist the legislature in enhancing the knowledge of its constitutional rights vis-à-vis the executive, and in addition serve to strengthen the relationship between the two chambers of Parliament.

1 March 2012 – 31 December 2013
Local Partners
- Supreme Court of South Sudan
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Kathrin Maria Scherr
Phone: +49 (0)6221 91404 34
(See full profile)