
Start date: 2012 at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law
Areas of expertise: Constitutional Law, System of Governance, Islamic Law, Customary Law, Human Rights, Legislative Drafting
Highlights: 2 projects, working group, several seminars, study visits, conferences, technical workshops


The Libyan Revolution of 2011 provided Libyan society with an opportunity to rebuild their society and state. Since then, however, Libya has been facing instability, with armed conflicts involving groups aligned with different political and military factions. State institutions are bifurcated between two main centres of power, one of which has since been internationally recognised. Notwithstanding the current conflict, Libyans are determined in their demands for a progressive and prosperous future built upon political consensus, representative governance and a fair and equitable distribution of power. Alongside such agreements, Libyan State institutions must be supported to ensure a level of sustainability that will carry them through a period of transition from conflict to stability and a peaceful future.

The Foundation began supporting partner institutions in Libya in their efforts to design and draft a new Constitutional framework in 2012. These efforts were prematurely suspended due to the deteriorating security situation. In 2018, the Foundation relaunched its efforts and entered into discussions with partner institutions in Libya related to strengthening the administrative justice sector in Libya as a key ingredient for enhancing the rule of law.

In 2019, the Foundation began formal cooperation with the European Union Integrated Border Management Assistance Mission in Libya (EUBAM Libya) to help strengthen the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Justice and the Supreme Judicial Council. These efforts have led to targeted projects to enhance the institutional capacities of the aforementioned partner-institutions, specifically the Law Department, on technical and substantive aspects of legislative drafting in Libya. In 2020 and 2021, the Foundation will provide substantive and technical assistance to build the capacities legislative drafters of the Law Department.

Current projects in Libya

  • There are no current projects

Completed projects in Libya