Start date: 2016
Areas of expertise: Constitutional Law, Human Rights, Fundamental Principles of Governance
Highlights: 3 projects, 5+ workshops, 4+ study visits

Indonesia is one of the States most affected by illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing which significantly harms economic development and marine ecosystems. It is estimated that the annual loss caused by this harmful practice reaches several billion US-Dollars. For this reason, the Indonesian Government has increased its efforts to combat IUU fishing.
Current projects in Indonesia
- There are no current projects
Completed projects in Indonesia
News Items
Webinar on Deep Seabed Mining with the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime and Investment Affairs of Indonesia
The Foundation participates in a conference on “Election in the time of Pandemic – Protecting the Quality of Democracy”
The Foundation visits the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia
High-level Roundtable with the Indonesian Coordinating Ministry for Maritime and Investment Affairs
Workshop on International Law of the Sea held in Jakarta, Indonesia

Johannes Krusemark-Camin
Email: Phone: +49 (0)6221 91404 23 (See full profile)