Start date: 2014
Areas of expertise: Transitional Justice, Public International Law, Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law, Access to Justice
Highlights: 2 projects, 7+ capacity building workshops, 2+ roundtable discussions, conferences

The Strengthening the Reparation Process for the Most Vulnerable Victims of the Armed Conflict in Colombia project included capacity building workshops for the local actors of the reparation process in three Colombian Departments; consultancy activities for the National Unit for the Attention and Reparation of Victims; elaboration of a guide. In Colombia, the Foundation not only built upon its over ten years of experience in providing peace and rule of law assistance to States and societies in situations of acute crisis, but also on the country experience of several staff members who worked in, or carried out research on transitional justice in Colombia. The selected sub-field of reparations arose as particularly strategic for this purpose and fitting with the Foundation’s expertise and its staff’s academic and professional background. The project was therefore implemented by staff members specialised in the areas of transitional justice and reparations, with specific expertise in the Colombian reparation process.
Current projects in Colombia
- There are no current projects.