Start date: 2014
Areas of expertise: Constitutional Law, International Law
Highlights: 1 project, workshops and seminars

West Africa, in the area of the Gulf of Guinea, is a region with high economic potential. However, due to transnational organised crime and terrorism, Western African countries face many challenges. The security of the region and maritime trade is further hampered by increased piracy off the coast in the Gulf of Guinea. The Togolese coast is also affected, and piracy attacks are becoming more commonplace.
Current projects in Togo
- There are no current projects
Completed projects in Togo
News Items
Maritime Security and the Fight Against Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea – Third Seminar in Lomé, Togo
Maritime Security and the Fight Against Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea – Second Seminar Held in Lomé, Togo
Maritime Security and the Fight Against Piracy in the Gulf of Guinea – First Seminar Held in Lomé, Togo
Combating Piracy and Strengthening Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea – Seminars for Togolese Security Experts

Kathrin Maria Scherr
Phone: +49 (0)6221 91404 34
(See full profile)