Strengthening the Legal Capacities of the Sudanese National Legislature
Within the continuing constitutional reform in the Republic of the Sudan, the Sudanese National Legislature is envisaged to assume a key function although some uncertainty exists as to who, at the end, will draft the new or merely an amended constitution and how it will be adopted. So far the Sudanese Government seems to be committed to hold a referendum at the end of the process.
In April 2017, the Max Planck Foundation therefore started its new program being directed at enhancing the legal capacities of the Sudanese National Legislature in the area of comparative constitutional law. The Max Planck Foundation is providing legal capacity building measures on a technical level to members of the Sudanese National Assembly and the Sudanese Council of States on core matters of comparative constitutional law and constitutional drafting processes. The trainings follow an academic and comparative law approach outlining international legal standards and introducing best model practices on constitutional design. The latter are thoroughly chosen in accordance with the needs and prerequisites of the Sudanese and with respect to the Sudanese constitutional framework and context. All project activities are scheduled to take place in Khartoum, so as to ensure local participation and ownership.
The programme is conducted with the generous support of the German Federal Foreign Office.

1 April 2017 – 31 December 2018
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Prof Dr Rüdiger Wolfrum
Phone: +49 6221 91404 37
(See full profile)