Third Editorial Advisory Board Meeting of the Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law Conducted Online

The Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law (UNYB) recently convened its third Editorial Advisory Board meeting on 5 March 2024. The meeting was convened virtually by the Editorial Secretariat (the Editors-in-Chief and the Managing Editor of the UNYB) with a majority of members from the Editorial Advisory Board in attendance. Additionally, representatives from the publisher, Brill, had also attended this meeting to present a comprehensive report on the UNYB to the Editorial Board.

Lively exchanges and discussions were tabled amongst the participants of the meeting on varied topics related to the development of the publication, including possible thematic areas for the focus of Volume 28 (2025). The current members of the Editorial Board have been in office since January 2023 providing invaluable support to the Editorial Secretariat. The Editorial Board has been instrumental in guiding the strategic direction of the UNYB and enabling the Yearbook’s continued pursuit of academic excellence. The experts on the Editorial Board hail from a range of international organizations, academic institutions, and the United Nations and affiliated bodies. The full list of members and their respective profiles can be found here.

Currently the UN Yearbook is working towards the production of Volume 27, which will feature a special thematic forum of contributions on ‘Assessing the International Law Commission: The Past, Present and Future’. For more information on the UNYB, including guidelines for the submissions, please visit here.