The Max Planck Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of a project to support the South Sudan Supreme Court in enhancing its capacity as a constitutional court
In cooperation with the Supreme Court of South Sudan, the Foundation endeavours to deliver a two-component project to provide technical assistance to the South Sudan Supreme Court in discharging its responsibilities as the Constitutional Court of South Sudan. According to Article 126(2) of the Transitional Constitution of South Sudan (TCSS 2011) , the Supreme Court exercises competence in the interpretation of the constitution, adjudication on the constitutionality of laws and states’ constitutions, and resolution of disputes between the states and between the National Government and a state.
The first component of this project shall involve the enhancement of the capacities of the members of the South Sudan Supreme Court to resolve constitutional and legal disputes. The second component aims to provide technical legal assistance to the Supreme Court in developing its Rules of Procedure, as mandated by Article 126(6) TCSS 2011.
The project shall involve comparative models of constitutional adjudication, by which the South Sudanese Justices will be introduced to a variety of best practices and institutional models regarding the resolution of constitutional disputes in other countries. Through a series of workshops, it shall also initiate discussions on how constitutional decision-making in South Sudan can benefit from the experiences of other countries.
The project is funded by the German Foreign Office.