Monthly Archives: February 2016
“Human Rights Risks in Mining – the Way Forward”
Experts of the Foundation and BGR present Baseline Study at world’s largest mining investment conference, [...]
Foundation Establishes Basis for Cooperation in Mongolia
During a visit in Ulaanbaatar, initial talks with political, judicial, and academic representatives were conducted [...]
Rüdiger Wolfrum Awarded with the Badge of Honour of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia
Managing Director of the Max Planck Foundation em. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Rüdiger Wolfrum awarded [...]
Fifth Capacity Building Workshop for Sudanese Representatives of Political Parties and Stakeholders
Max Planck Foundation conducts workshop on Comparative Constitutional Law in Khartoum, Sudan In the second [...]
Fifth Workshop on Federalism for the Somali Boundaries and Federation Commission
Max Planck Foundation organised the fifth workshop for members of the Boundaries and Federation Commission [...]
Third Training-of-Trainers Workshop on Federalism for Somali Technical Advisors
Max Planck Foundation organised third Training-of-Trainers workshop to assist actors involved in the Somali federalisation [...]