The Foundation delivered the final workshop to provide technical legal capacity building to the Supreme Court of South Sudan in Juba
From 1–3 December 2015, the Max Planck Foundation, in cooperation with the Supreme Court of South Sudan, delivered the fourth and final workshop in a series of workshops aimed to provide technical legal capacity building to the Supreme Court of South Sudan in discharging its responsibilities as the constitutional court of South Sudan (Article 126[2] of the Transitional Constitution of South Sudan, 2011). The workshop was held in Juba, South Sudan.
The workshop focused on the topic “Rules of Procedure” and was delivered by three representatives of the Max Planck Foundation. Additionally, presentations were given on the application of procedural rules by the Supreme Court by Hon. Justice John Gatwech Lul and Hon. Justice Bullen Panchol Awal, both Justices of the Supreme Court of South Sudan. The workshop discussed the contents of rules of procedure of constitutional and supreme courts from a comparative African and international perspective, while simultaneously exploring the existing rules regulating the activities of the Supreme Court of South Sudan. The workshop thereby aimed to initiate the second component of this programme on the provision of technical capacity building to the Supreme Court of South Sudan in the drafting of the Court’s rules of procedure (Article 126[6] TCSS, 2011). The overall objective of the workshop was to contribute to the advancement of the principles of constitutionalism, rule of law, and good governance in South Sudan.
The workshop was inaugurated by the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to South Sudan, His Excellency, Mr. Johannes Lehne, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of South Sudan, His Excellency, Justice Chan Reec Madut, and a representative from the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law. This workshop marks the successful completion of the first component of the programme on “Technical Support to the Supreme Court of South Sudan”, which is funded by the German Foreign Office and implemented by the Max Planck Foundation. Previous workshops within this component were held in February, June, and October 2015 in Juba.