Max Planck Foundation implements capacity building workshop within the project Constitutional Support in Sudan
In the beginning of February 2016, the Max Planck Foundation conducted a workshop on “Levels of Government in a Decentralised System: Central, Provincial and Municipal Competences” in Khartoum. The workshop was part of a comprehensive programme aimed at supporting Sudan’s commitments towards a future constitutional process, which the Max Planck Foundation is implementing in Sudan since 2014. Throughout the three workshop days the Max Planck Foundation convened an inclusive group of high-level representatives of the major Sudanese political parties, the Sudanese regions and civil society.
The workshop focused on the different levels of government within a decentralised system with presentations on administrative, financial and legislative responsibilities of the central government, the provincial government and of local municipalities. In line with its comparative approach, the workshop was supported by presentations of renowned international experts from the African region. With the additional participation of high-ranking Sudanese experts, the Max Planck Foundation further ensured that the discussions throughout the workshop were always linked back to the Sudanese context and situation.
The forum included representatives of the government as well as of the major Sudanese opposition parties being aimed at promoting and encouraging discussions on the various options for a future constitutional order within a neutral forum and across party political lines. Besides the capacity building aspect, the format of the workshop was distinctly aimed at encouraging a collegial atmosphere for dialogue.