Max Planck Foundation Facilitates a Strategy Development Workshop for Members and Stakeholders of the South Sudan Law Review Commission
On 16 September 2019, representatives of the Foundation facilitated a one-day workshop which brought Members of the South Sudan Law Review Commission together with various stakeholders of the law review process in the country. Entitled “Strategy Development for Law Review in South Sudan”, the workshop was designed to provide a comparative perspective on the strategies for law review, with a view to assisting the South Sudan Law Review Commission to develop its strategy for the coming years.
The workshop was attended, not only by the Commissioners and legal advisers of the Law Review Commission, but also representatives of a wide variety of stakeholders, including: the Judiciary of South Sudan, the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, the South Sudan Bar Association, the Justice and Legislative Committee of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly, the Human Rights Commission, the Constitutional Review Commission, the Office of Legal Administration at the Office of the President, and the College of Law of the University of Juba. Consequently, the workshop provided a necessary platform to develop a strategy for future stakeholder engagement.
At the workshop opening, a representative of the European Union Delegation to South Sudan, Ms Sandra Zech, handed over an initial endowment of legal texts for the library of the Law Review Commission to the Chairman of the Commission, Justice Ruben Madol Arol. The legal texts were on a range of topics including international and regional human rights law, legislative drafting, constitutional drafting, and constitutional and administrative law, and were selected by the Foundation in close cooperation with the leadership of the Commission.
This cooperation with the South Sudan Law Review Commission constitutes a component of the project “Strengthening the Rule of Law in South Sudan” (2017-2020), that is implemented with the generous financial assistance of the European Union. The project aims to provide technical assistance and legal capacity building to key rule of law actors in South Sudan, including the Judiciary, the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, the Transitional National Legislative Assembly, the University of Juba, the Law Review Commission and various other justice sector stakeholders.