The Foundation Delivers Lectures to fourth-year students of the College of Law
On 22 November 2019, representatives of the Max Planck Foundation delivered two Guest Lectures on the topic “The Reception of International Treaties into Domestic Legal Systems” to two groups of fourth-year students of the College of Law at the University of Juba. These Guest Lectures, each attended by over thirty students, were jointly organised by the Foundation and the faculty of the College of Law with the aim of providing a comparative review of the methods and means by which States receive and apply international agreements in their domestic jurisdictions.
By virtue of these lectures, the Foundation aimed to provide the final-year students of the College of Law with a comparative understanding of the means by which various States uphold international legal standards.
These lectures were funded by the European Union within the framework of the project Strengthening the Rule of Law in South Sudan (2017-2020). The project aims to provide technical assistance and legal capacity building to key rule of law actors in South Sudan, including the Judiciary, the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, the Transitional National Legislative Assembly, the University of Juba, and various other justice sector stakeholders.