The Foundation organises the next Training-of-Trainers Workshop
From 19 to 23 February 2020, the Max Planck Foundation held its fourth Training-of-Trainers Workshop for the Somali Legal Advisors embedded in the House of the People and the Upper House of the Somali Federal Parliament. The workshop focused on the topics “Somali Law-Making Processes at the Federal Member State Level from a Comparative Perspective” and “Adoption of International Treaties from a Comparative Perspective”. Both topics were addressed through a substantive presentation on the subject matter, followed by a working group assignment allowing the participants to apply their newly gained knowledge. In the ensuing discussions, the presentation, as well as the working group assignment, were adjusted with the Somali Legal Advisors’ feedback and input to better serve the local context. These materials will now be used by the Somali Legal Advisors for the trainings to be held for the Members of the Somali Federal Parliament in Mogadishu and the five Federal Member State Legislative Assemblies of Galmudug, Hirshabelle, Jubbaland, Puntland and South West State.
In the course of the workshop, the team also engaged in a discussion with participants on the different stages of the adoption of the 2020 Elections Law by comparing the draft initiated by the Federal Government with the draft, which was adopted by the House of the People, and with the final law as adopted by the Upper House. Most participants were involved in one of the stages of the law-making process and appreciated the opportunity to compare their notes and observations and to discuss the remaining open questions in relation to the adopted Law and the difficulties that may arise during the implementation process.
This formed part of the EU funded project “Legal Capacity Building and Technical Support for the Somali Federal Parliament“.