A workshop was delivered to build the technical capacity of legal advisors and legal drafters of the Bureau on Drafting Instructions and Policy Positions
On 26-27 July, Max Planck Foundation research fellows delivered a workshop to build the technical capacity of around forty legal drafters, legal advisors, and researchers of the Bureau for Legislation and Opinion in Jordan. The general theme of the workshop related to legislative drafting in compliance with the rule of law, with a specific focus on Drafting Instructions and Policy Positions. Dr Fedaa al-Hmoud, President of the Bureau for Legislation and Opinion formally inaugurated and chaired the workshop along with the Head of Project at the Foundation.
Research Fellows in Amman presented in-person along with hybrid sessions with research fellows joining from the headquarters of the Foundation in Heidelberg. Several topics were presented, including legislative design thinking, analysing drafting instructions and developing policy positions, and achieving legal effect through provisions. Each presentation was followed by a drafting exercise in which participants were provided a set of drafting instructions and asked to draft provisions in accordance with the tools and techniques they were exposed to in the presentations.
The workshop is a part of the project component to build the capacity of legal drafters and legal advisors of the Bureau for Legislation and Opinion (al-Diwan al-Tashri’ wa’l-Ra’i), under the Max Planck Foundation project, “Strengthening Legislative Compliance and Constitutional Interpretation in Jordan”, generously supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.