Official Handover of Conduct of Business Regulations to South Sudan’s Reconstituted Transitional National Legislative Assembly

4500 copies of the Conduct of Business Regulations Delivered to the Reconstituted Transitional National Legislative Assembly

On 7 April 2022, the Max Planck Foundation, together with the European Union Delegation to South Sudan, officially handed over 4500 copies of the revised Conduct of Business Regulations (CoBR) of the Reconstituted Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA). The handover ceremony was the culmination of the amendments to the 2017 Conduct of Business Regulations, which had been undertaken by the TNLA in 2021. The revised CoBR aligns the TNLA’s operations, offices and procedures with the 2018 Revitalised Agreement for the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan (R-ARCSS). The handing over of the 4500 copies of the CoBR is part of the Foundation’s ongoing engagement with the TNLA to enhance the availability of and access to important legal resources for parliamentarians to enable them to effectively discharge their mandate. It also complements the Foundation’s ongoing capacity building and technical legal support engagements with the TNLA.

At the ceremony, H.E. Ambassador Christian Bader, the Head of the European Union Delegation to South Sudan, expressed the EU’s satisfaction with the handover, noting that the project is part of the EU’s continued support for the rule of law sector in South Sudan in general, and the TNLA in particular. The Second Deputy Speaker, the Right Honourable Parmena Awerial Aluong, who received the copies of the CoBR on behalf of the TNLA, expressed the TNLA’s gratitude and also stated that providing parliamentarians with essential materials they require to effectively discharge their mandate was among the many areas the TNLA was working in collaboration with the Foundation. Hon. Rebeca Okwaci, the Majority Whip of the TNLA, was also present at the handover ceremony.

Following the handover, the Foundation will continue working closely with the TNLA to provide technical legal support and capacity building as may be requested by the TNLA. The printing and provision of copies of the CoBR was completed with the generous financial support of the European Union within the framework of the project entitled Strengthening the Rule of Law in South Sudan.


Front Cover of the CoBR