The Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law (UNYB) is preparing its next edition, scheduled to be published in 2023.
In addition to the special forum of articles on The International Court of Justice at 75: an Assessment, Volume 26, the UNYB would also like to feature selected articles pertaining to the general theme and overall editorial line of the publication. This includes any articles that relate to the ‘Law and Practice of the United Nations’ and ‘Legal Issues Related to the Goals of the United Nations’. We welcome interested authors to send us an abstract proposal at first instance, of no more than 500 words, by 15 August 2022.
In your abstract submission please include i) the working title; ii) the main legal arguments to be developed in the article; and iii) a brief explanation on how the topic fits within the scope of the Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law. Please submit your proposal in a Word document, along with a short bio (max 100 words) in the cover letter delivered by email .
Following a positive assessment of the abstract proposal by the editorial team, authors will be instructed to submit a full draft of their manuscript by 1 December 2022, which will then be placed through our internal review process for consideration of final publication.