The Foundation held the inaugural workshop of a series of induction workshops for the Judicial Reform Committee of South Sudan.
The workshop titled Institutional Capacity of the Judiciary and Judicial Infrastructure in South Sudan was facilitated by the Max Planck Foundation’s representatives in Juba for four days from 22 – 25 August 2022 within the framework of the European Union-funded project Strengthening the Rule of Law in South Sudan.
The workshop provided the members of the Judicial Reform Committee (JRC) with an overview of the state of the Judiciary of South Sudan with regards to institutional capacity and judicial infrastructure as well as a review of the South Sudanese legal framework regulating the Judiciary. Based on the information provided, the members of the JRC had the opportunity to discuss the current challenges and to study comparative judicial reform initiatives conducted in countries in the region and beyond. The workshop also provided the JRC members with time to deliberate and reflect on their reform proposals.
The workshop was officially opened with remarks by H.E. Ismail Wais, IGAD Special Envoy to South Sudan; H.E. Christian Bader, Ambassador of the Delegation of the European Union to South Sudan; Honourable Justice James Ogoola, Chair of the Judicial Reform Committee of South Sudan; Right Honourable Justice Chan Reec Madut, Chief Justice of the Republic of South Sudan; and Honourable Justice Ruben Madol Arol, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. During their opening remarks, all the dignitaries emphasized the importance of the role of the JRC in the framework of the implementation of the Peace Agreement as well as in the efforts of building a strong and independent Judiciary in South Sudan.