Foundation highly commended for “Best International Pro Bono Award” at the Law Works Pro Bono Awards 2024

On 4 December 2024, Law Works held its annual Pro Bono Awards ceremony at the Law Society of England and Wales in London, UK. The Awards celebrate the best legal pro bono activities undertaken by organisations and individuals and the positive impact they have had on those helped.

The Max Planck Foundation was shortlisted at the Awards for their collaborative project with four global law firms, Clyde & Co LLP, Dechert LLPEversheds Sutherland LLP and Squire Patton Boggs LLP, assisting Afghans at risk to reach safety through legal pathways. Almost 150 volunteers from the law firms have participated in three training sessions held by the Foundation and worked on over 100 cases supporting almost 900 people.

At the Awards Ceremony, the Max Planck Foundation’s Pro Bono project was highly commended for the Best International Pro Bono Award and recognised for the “impressive impact” of the project this year. The Foundation also took the opportunity to meet with volunteers from the project from across the UK, kindly hosted by Dechert LLP.