Publication Alert: Volume 27 of the Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law is now available online and in print

Volume 27 of the Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law (UNYB) has now been published and is available online and in print. This edition features a thematic forum titled ‘Assessing the International Law Commission: the Past, Present and Future’, including therein articles and other special contributions that critically engage with and examine the work of the International Law Commission (ILC), in light of the recently concluded 75th anniversary of the body. The edition also features a few select articles that pertain to the general editorial scope of the publication (i.e. the Law and Practise of the United Nations and Legal Issues Related to the Goals of the United Nations).

Volume 27 contains 20 article contributions and two special interviews. The complete table of contents and abstracts of individual articles can be accessed here. The full articles are available via subscription. Previous editions of the Yearbook can be freely accessed on the Foundation’s website, found here.