Tag Archives: juvenilejustice

Foundation convenes a workshop on applying “A Human Rights-Based Approach to Judicial Decision-Making” in Kulhudhuffushi, the Maldives

Between 23-24 October 2024, judges from the Magistrate Courts attended the last of the three [...]

Foundation convenes a Roundtable on “Restorative Justice in the Maldives” with the Department of Juvenile Justice in Malé, the Maldives.

Between 16-17 October 2024, State institutions and civil society actors attended the Roundtable. The Roundtable [...]

The Foundation held the third Specialised Dialogue on the theme ‘Child Friendly Juvenile System’ for the Judiciary of the Maldives

 Judges from various courts attended the third and final Specialised Dialogue that centred around practical [...]