From 25-31 May 2018 the Max Planck Foundation facilitated the final retreat for the Somali Constitutional Review and Implementation Oversight Committee (OC) under the EU-funded project “Capacity Building and Legal Advice for the Somali Federal Parliament”. The meeting was organized in Nairobi, Kenya and brought together all members of the OC, including the additional delegates from the Somali Federal Member States. Also in attendance were three Commissioners and the Secretary General of the Independent Constitutional Review and Implementation Commission (ICRIC), as well as four representatives of the Ministry of Constitutional Affairs (MOCA).
During the retreat, the OC continued its internal review of the constitutional review suggestions developed by its predecessor Committee during the last term of the Somali Federal Parliament. After having already reviewed the constitutional review suggestions for Chapters 1-5 during the retreat, the suggestions for Chapters 6-9 on the structure and operations of the legislature, the executive and the judiciary were looked at and thoroughly discussed.
The proceedings were facilitated by the Max Planck Foundation project team and supported by the valuable comments and advise provided by the ICRIC Commissioners and the advisers from MoCA. As a result, the OC has identified its preferred options in terms of the organization of the legislature, the executive and the judiciary, which the Committee intends to present in the upcoming public outreach and engagement process with the Somali people.