The Foundation conducts 3rd Training-of-Trainers Workshop for Decentralisation and Federalism Advisers in Somalia
From 22 to 26 January 2020, the Max Planck Foundation conducted the third Training-of-Trainers workshop for Somali Technical and Legal Advisers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in the framework of the project “Capacity Building and Legal Advice on Political Decentralisation and Federalism in Somalia”.
The workshop addressed the topics “Public Land, Property, and Infrastructure Management in Decentralised and Federal Systems”, “Establishment of Local Councils and Local Democracy in Decentralised and Federal Systems” and “Confederal Arrangements from a Comparative Perspective”. Each topic was addressed with a substantive presentation on the subject matter, followed by a working group assignment allowing the participants to apply their newly gained knowledge. In the ensuing discussions, the presentation, as well as the working group assignment, were adjusted according to the feedback and the input received by the Somali Technical and Legal Advisors. The adjusted workshop materials will now serve the Somali Technical and Legal Advisors to conduct trainings on these topics for project partners in Somalia.
As the upcoming 2020 election to the Federal Parliament is an intensely discussed subject in all parts of Somalia today, and the Foundation keeps assisting the Federal Parliament with the review of the Draft 2020 Elections Law, the Foundation Research Fellows presented the Draft Bill, which is currently under the review of the Upper House, by comparing the draft initiated in the Federal Parliament as prepared by the Federal Government with the current draft as amended and adopted by the House of the People of the Federal Parliament.