Max Planck Foundation provides training on the Conduct of Business Regulations
On 2 and 3 November 2021, the Foundation delivered a workshop for members of the reconstituted Transitional National Legislative Assembly (R-TNLA). The workshop titled, “Constitutional Foundations on the Role of Parliament”, was the third in a series of induction trainings for members of the R-TNLA within the framework of the European Union-funded project, “Strengthening the Rule of Law in South Sudan”.
The First Deputy Speaker of the Assembly, the Right Honourable Nathaniel Oyet, officially opened the workshop on the morning of 2 November. Opening remarks were also delivered by the head of the European Union Delegation to South Sudan, Ambassador Christian Bader, and by one of the Managing Directors and the Head of Sub-Saharan Africa Projects at the Max Planck Foundation.
The two-day workshop comprised of in-person sessions facilitated by the Foundation’s Research Fellows and incorporated comparative and South Sudanese perspectives on the thematic areas covered. In the final session a seasoned parliamentarian of the R-TNLA shared practical lessons on the effective discharge of the legislative and oversight mandate with the new legislators. The workshop was marked by engaged discussions on various topics including, the law-making process, the rules of debate and conduct of parliamentarians in the Assembly, the oversight role of parliament and the working of the doctrine of separation of powers especially as it relates to the R-TNLA’s work.
The workshop was officially closed by the Hon. Gatwech Lam Puoch, who expressed the R-TNLA’s gratitude to the Max Planck Foundation and to the European Union for their support in delivering these induction workshops to even more groups of parliamentarians.