Volume 24 of the Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law (UNYB) was published in December 2021. Produced by the Max Planck Foundation in association with Brill, the volume contains 12 academic articles and 3 book reviews on a wide range of topical issues related to the law of the United Nations and public international law. These articles have been authored by both scholars and practitioners from relevant fields of study.
As with previous editions of the UNYB, articles within the first section of the edition deal with the ‘Law and Practice of United Nations’ featuring, among others, contributions on the issue of UN membership, a critical examination of collective security under international law and institutional practise and the United Nations. The edition’s second section examines ‘Legal Issues Related to the Goals of the United Nations’. Featured articles herein pertain to the legality of autonomous weapons systems, States’ obligations to implement human rights in the context of global pandemics, the rule of law and human rights protection through UN mandated mechanisms and others.
The complete table of contents and abstracts of individual articles can be accessed here. The full articles are available via subscription, and the Yearbook is also available in print form.
Previous editions of the Yearbook can be freely accessed on the Max Planck Foundation’s website, found here.
In case you are interested in writing a contribution for consideration of publication with a forthcoming edition of the Yearbook, please send a message with an abstract proposal of your article to .