Publication Alert: Volume 26 of the Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law is now available online and in print

Volume 26 of the Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law (UNYB) has now been published and is available online and in print. Produced by the Max Planck Foundation in association with Brill, the Volume contains 22 academic articles and four special interviews on a wide range of topical issues related to the law of the United Nations and public international law. These articles have been authored by both leading scholars and practitioners from relevant fields of study.

Volume 26 features a special thematic forum on “The International Court of Justice at 75: an Assessment”, including therein articles and other contributions that relate to the work of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), as a commemoration to the Court’s recently concluded 75th anniversary. As a pilot initiative, Volume 26 plays host to a series of special contributions with distinguished members associated with the ICJ, including sitting judges and members of the Registry. An excerpt of one such interview with Judge Hilary Charlesworth can be found here. The complete table of contents and abstracts of individual articles can be accessed here. The full articles are available via subscription, and the UN Yearbook can also be ordered in print form.

Previous editions of the Yearbook can be freely accessed on the Foundation’s website, found here.

In case you would like to write a contribution for consideration of publication in the forthcoming edition of the Yearbook, please send a message with an abstract proposal of your article to . Kindly refer to our ‘Information for Authors’ before sending in any submission for consideration.