Sixth Workshop for an Inclusive Group of Sudanese Stakeholders
Max Planck Foundation implements capacity building workshop within the project Constitutional Support in Sudan In [...]
“Human Rights Risks in Mining – the Way Forward”
Experts of the Foundation and BGR present Baseline Study at world’s largest mining investment conference, [...]
Foundation Establishes Basis for Cooperation in Mongolia
During a visit in Ulaanbaatar, initial talks with political, judicial, and academic representatives were conducted [...]
Rüdiger Wolfrum Awarded with the Badge of Honour of the Constitutional Court of Mongolia
Managing Director of the Max Planck Foundation em. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Rüdiger Wolfrum awarded [...]
Fifth Capacity Building Workshop for Sudanese Representatives of Political Parties and Stakeholders
Max Planck Foundation conducts workshop on Comparative Constitutional Law in Khartoum, Sudan In the second [...]
Fifth Workshop on Federalism for the Somali Boundaries and Federation Commission
Max Planck Foundation organised the fifth workshop for members of the Boundaries and Federation Commission [...]
Third Training-of-Trainers Workshop on Federalism for Somali Technical Advisors
Max Planck Foundation organised third Training-of-Trainers workshop to assist actors involved in the Somali federalisation [...]
Fourth Workshop on Federalism for the Somali Boundaries and Federation Commission
Foundation organised fourth capacity building workshop for members of the Somali Boundaries and Federation Commission [...]
Sixth Workshop on Federalism for the Somali Ministry of Interior and Federal Affairs
Max Planck Foundation delivered the first workshop in 2016 to staff of the Somali Ministry [...]
Max Planck Foundation Delivers Third Capacity Building Workshop for Members of the Constitutional Court of Jordan in Amman
Third and final workshop delivered, concluding the 2014–15 project for “Support to the Constitutional Court [...]