MPFPR Retreat for the Somali Provisional Constitution Review and Implementation Oversight Committee in Entebbe, Uganda
From 3 –10 June 2014 the Max Planck Foundation organised and facilitated an eight-day retreat for the Somali Provisional Constitution Review and Implementation Oversight Committee of the House of the People of the Somali Federal Parliament (Oversight Committee) in Entebbe, Uganda.
The Oversight Committee is mandated with preparing and leading the constitutional review and implementation process as provided for in the Provisional Constitution of Somalia. The Max Planck Foundation has been supporting the Oversight Committee since June 2013 by facilitating the analysis and discussion of the Somali Provisional Constitution and developing ideas and suggestions for the review of the Constitution.
During the eight-day retreat in Entebbe, the Oversight Committee discussed Chapters six, seven and eight of the Somali Provisional Constitution, concerning the regulation of, and the relationship between, the executive and the legislative branches of the Somali Republic. This highly political topic was discussed from a comparative constitutional law perspective mediated by the the Max Planck team in order to secure substantive, objective debate. At the end of the retreat the Oversight Committee summarised its main findings in a presentation to facilitate further consultations. During the retreat, his Excellency Mohamed Osman Jawari, speaker of the Federal Parliament, visited the Oversight Committee and discussed with it the latest developments of the Somali constitutional review and implementation process, i.e. the nomination of the new Provisional Constitution Review and Implementation Commission by the Council of Ministers.