The Foundation meets with the Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia to discuss future collaboration
On 5 July 2017, the Max Planck Foundation hosted a meeting with the Secretary General of the Senate of the Kingdom of Cambodia and President of the Board of Directors of the Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia, Oum Sarith, and the Executive Director of the Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia, Kim-Yeat Dararith in Heidelberg, Germany. The Parliamentary Institute of Cambodia, a non-governmental organisation established in 2011, seeks to strengthen Cambodian Parliament through capacity-building projects for parliamentary staff, and endeavours to share its knowledge and experiences with other countries in Southeast Asia.
This meeting was an opportunity to expand upon joint initiatives undertaken with Cambodian Parliament in the past through future collaboration. In 2016, the Foundation implemented a one-year project titled ‘Awareness Raising and Capacity Building on International Treaty Obligations with a Specific Focus on Human Rights’ for legal staff of the Cambodian Senate and National Assembly. This project, funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), consisted of a series of capacity building and training of trainer workshops for legal staff of the Senate and National Assembly, and a concluding roundtable conference for parliamentarians on select themes of human rights.