The Max Planck Foundation co-facilitates Expert Meeting in South Tangerang, Indonesia from 20 to 21 September 2019
The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia hosted the First International Expert Meeting on “The Role of the Judiciary to Promote Social Justice – The Protection of Socio-Economic rights” from 20 to 21 September 2019 in Serpong, South Tangerang. The Meeting was attended by the Justices of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia and their research staff, as well as international judges and academics. The Meeting was facilitated by Imogen Canavan, Country Manager from the Foundation and Professor Bertus de Villiers from Curtin University, Australia.
The first session of the Meeting was opened by the fourth Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia, Dr Hamdan Zoelva, who initiated the discussion on the role of the Constitutional Court in promoting and protection socio-economic rights. Justices of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia, Professor Enny Nurbaninngsih and Saldi Isra, also gave detailed presentations elaborating on the matter.
Adopting a comparative approach, former Chief Justice Robert French of the High Court of Australia; Justice Indu Malhotra of the Supreme Court of India; Professor Joseph Marko, former International Judge of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia-Herzegovina; and Professor Surya Dhungel of Kathmandu University, Nepal provided a comprehensive exchange of their respective experiences. Additionally, Professor Hennie Strydom from the University of Johannesburg, South Africa considered the role of international law. The discussion highlighted the different approaches adopted towards promoting and protection socio-economic rights in different countries by courts with constitutional jurisdiction and the challenges faced.
This is the First International Expert Meeting organised by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, which aims to promote dialogue of justice and scientific discourse in the field of law and constitution. The Constitutional Court expressed its intention to hold future Expert Meetings to renew insights, knowledge, and exchange experiences with other countries.