Contributions sought for the forthcoming volume 24
The Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law (UNYB) was the first scholarly periodical to focus on activities of the United Nations in the field of international law. It has appeared under the auspices of the Max Planck Foundation since 2014. The UNYB consists of two parts – firstly, “The Law and Practice of the United Nations”, concentrates on UN law in a narrow sense, meaning the legal fundaments of the UN and its Specialised Agencies and Programmes and their legal and political practice. The focus is on treaties, covenants, resolutions and other international legal instruments. Secondly, “Legal Issues Related to the Goals of the United Nations”, analyses achievements concerning the main objectives of the UN such as sustainable development, refugee protection, disarmament and non-proliferation, rule of law, and gender equality. It is also open for articles on important legal developments in countries and geographic areas of special importance to the UN, particularly those assisted by a Peacekeeping Mission or Special Envoys or Representatives of the UN Secretary General.
By concentrating on issues connected with the UN and its initiatives, UNYB aims to facilitate an understanding of the changes the UN has been undergoing since its foundation. It also provides a forum in which the potential of international organisations to affect the future course of international law and relations can be examined and assessed.
Editors call for articles for publication in the next volume of the Yearbook, which will be published in the second half of 2021. Submissions will be considered on a rolling basis.
If you would like to contribute, please submit an abstract of no more than 500 words. After submitting your proposal, you will be notified whether your topic has been selected. The finalised article is due by 31 December 2020 and will be peer-reviewed. Yearbook contributions may be from 8,000 – 15,000 words in length.
Submissions should be provided in English, using MS Word-compatible word processing software, and delivered by email to .