Enhancing Legal Research and Writing Skills: Nippon Fellows 2024 – Foundation Visit

On 12-14 November 2024, the Foundation hosted a series of workshops for this year’s Nippon Fellows, an activity that forms part of the Capacity-Building and Training Programme on Dispute Settlement under the Law of the Sea Convention the Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) manages in cooperation with the Nippon Foundation.

The sessions at the Foundation focused on advancing legal research and writing skills, combining both theoretical insights and practical applications. The program was designed to strengthen the capacity of the Fellows in these critical areas while providing support for the development of their individual academic projects.

A key feature of the series was the opportunity for Fellows to present their research on leading law of the sea topics. The sessions facilitated in-depth discussions and offered both formal and substantive feedback.

The series also featured presentations by the Foundation’s Research Fellows on a range of pertinent subjects, including:

  • Practical Tools for Drafting Good Legislation
  • Flag State Responsibilities in Fisheries Governance: Focus on the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement
  • Dispute Settlement Mechanisms Beyond UNCLOS: Port State Detention Review Panels

The Foundation was honoured to have received the Nippons once again this year and looks forward to their next visit.