The project team presents the main findings of the analytical report to local stakeholders
On September 23, 2020 in the Bishkek Garden Hotel, the project team presented results of the analytical report entitled “Protection of Rights of Women from Ethnic Minorities: Identification of Discrimination Forms, which Impede the Access to State Services, and Ways to Overcome Them”.
The round table brought together representatives of the Office of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, Service for Countering Extremism and Illegal Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Agency for Local Self-Government and Interethnic Relations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (LSGIR), Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, General Prosecutor’s Office, Ombudsman’s Office, Ministry of Labour and Social Development (MLSD), Centre for Coordination of State-guaranteed Legal Aid (CCSGLA), Ministry of Justice, Manager of European Union (EU) projects in the Kyrgyz Republic, consultants of the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia and a representative from the Max Planck Foundation joined online.
The main topics which were presented included combating discrimination of women from ethnic minorities, access to state services in employment, education and health, international standards for the protection of women’s rights, and access to adequate housing and social security. A brief analytical overview was prepared and handed out to the participants. The overview contained main conclusions and recommendations on the improvement of legal regulation of access to state services for women from ethnic minorities. A full version of the research will be sent to all participants. It is expected that each participant will provide feedback and recommendations. The team of consultants will continue to cooperate with the local stakeholders to implement the recommendations identified in the report.
This activity forms part of the EU-funded project “Fighting against discrimination of women from ethnic minorities and ensuring their equal access to public services”.