These activities further advance the implementation of the EU-funded project
The Max Planck Foundation’s project team conducted the training entitled “Economic and Social Rights of Women” on 29-30 September 2020. The main goal was to address the implementation of the economic and social rights of women in general, and women from ethnic communities in particular. The training participants were representatives of non-governmental organisations on the first day, and then media specialists and other stakeholders on the second day.
The Foundation experts discussed the basic concepts and principles of women’s economic and social rights, core international human rights treaties, international practice of the implementation of economic and social rights, and how to effectively monitor the implementation. Two national experts from Kyrgyzstan presented statistics on the implementation of socio-economic rights of women in the Kyrgyz Republic – for example, in 2018, there was a decrease in the number of girls who did not attend school, however, the economic activity rate of women has decreased compared to 2014. The current pandemic raises new challenges for effective realisation of economic and social rights of women in Kyrgyzstan. Experts and participants addressed them and emphasised the need to undertake effective measures to ensure that international human rights standards are upheld. A question-and-answer session was conducted at the end of the training.
This activity forms part of the EU-funded project “Fighting against discrimination of women from ethnic minorities and ensuring their equal access to public services”.