Tag Archives: Civilsociety

Foundation holds trainings aimed to enhance journalists’ skills to report on human rights in Kyrgyzstan

In Kyrgyzstan, two two-day training sessions were held for journalists and journalism students. From 19 [...]

‘Perspectives’ Lecture delivered by Professor Rahul Mukherji at the Foundation

On 8 February 2024, Professor Rahul Mukherji, Professor and Head of the Department of Political [...]

Training-of-Trainers: Kyrgyz lawyers and advocates convened at three-day workshop in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Lawyers and NGO representatives attended a workshop on human rights law in the Kyrgyz capital [...]

Human rights webinar series in Kyrgyzstan

The Max Planck Foundation, in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and local Kyrgyz organisations [...]

Inaugural workshop on human rights monitoring methodologies in Kyrgyzstan

An introductory workshop convened Kyrgyz civil society representatives and human rights specialists to lay the [...]